Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay On Solar Collectors - 1647 Words

Experimental Analysis of the Thermal Performance of Two Solar Collectors Models Under Egyptian Condition Mona M. A. Hassan* ABSTRACT The thermal performance of two solar collectors (batch system)was experimentally tested. Experiments were carried out during seasons of 2015 and 2016 at Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, Egypt. In January, inlet water temperatures for both models were around 17 oC , and outlet temperatures were 27 and 23oC for models A and B respectively, while in July, inlet water temperatures for both models were around 35 oC, and outlet temperatures were 55 and 49oC for model A and B respectively. Obtained results show that model (A) can rise water temperature higher than model (B) almost throughout the†¦show more content†¦Water enter at the bottom and is baked in the sun. As it warm, the hot water travel to the top of the tank due to its lower density. When the water is ready for uses, cool water is supplied to the ______________________________________________________ *Associate prof. of Agric. Eng., Fac. of Agric., Zagazig Univ. inlet and hot water flow out the top. Batch heater system, can also includes insulations to help maintains the temperatures of the heated water. Batch heater (also known as bread box or integral collector storage systems) are simple passive systems consisting of one or more storage tanks placed in an insulated box that has a glazed side facing the sun. Batch heaters are inexpensive and have few components in other words, less maintenance and fewer failures. A batch heater is mounted on the ground or on the roof. There are two types of solar water heaters systems: passive and active. Active system integrated pump and rotary element and are therefore very expensive. Passive system uses natural water circulations, gravity, and /or pressurized water system. Passive solar water heaters system are much less expensive than the active counterpart and are easier to maintains and repairs. Consequently, passive system are more suit able for low income community, (Duffie and Beckman,2013). (Al-Madani,2006) studied a batch solar water heaters in Bahraain consists of an evacuated, cylindrical glassShow MoreRelatedEssay On Solar Collectors Technology1027 Words   |  5 Pages Solar collectors technology is used in many parts of the world including the U.S., China, India, and the Middle East. Systems have been adopted for a wide range of use patterns and climate conditions. However, most existing systems are geared toward wealthy clients. These systems often include sophisticated pumping systems and advanced materials. While these systems are profitable to their developers, they are often far beyond the financial constraints of households in poor communities of developingRead MoreParabolic Trough Solar Collector (PSTC) Technology Essay1459 Words   |  6 PagesMany studies have been developed and carried out in terms of modeling of parabolic trough solar collector (PTSC) technology. In the following, 13 research papers related to the present work are studied, analyzed, and summarized. Yaghoubi [15] evaluated the heat loss in the heat collector field of 250 KW solar power plant in Iran for several conditions. Experimental and numerical analysis have been made for comparison. Three different tubes are used; vacuum, lost vacuum and broken glassRead MoreBenefits And Limitations Of Renewable Energy Sources1678 Words   |  7 Pagesand it is likely to be providing a much greater proportion of the world’s energy by the second half of the 21th century. 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This is because mining sector is a key player to meet the economic and defense needs of the country at acceptable environmental, energy and economic costs. The focus of this essay will be the affects of mining on air quality. Particulate matter is released in surface mining when overburden is stripped subjecting soil to weather, causing particles to become air borne through road traffic and wind erosion. Particulate emissionsRead MoreThe Effects Of Environmental Sustainability On Western Harbour1466 Words   |  6 Pagesmost important. In 1995, Goodland reported that environmental sustainability is an eternal challenge which requires the environment which human being lives is not damaged, whilst the present and future generations can be fed and housed well. This essay will focus on the effects of three aspects as recycling, energy use and natural design of environmental sustainability in Western Harbour, Malmà ¶, Sweden. 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Fog collecting refers to the collection of water from fog using large pieces of vertical canvas to make the fog condense into droplets of water and flow down towards a trough, called a fog fence. â€Å"Fog collectors are huge nets hung between two poles and are made of a polypropylene mesh that captures the droplets. When the droplets gather together they then run into the storage tanks. The water is pure for drinking and can be used for agriculture† (McCannRead MoreThe Positive and Negative Effects of Technological Advancements2437 Words   |  10 Pagesfree fossil-fuels. With this kind of technology, cars will be running in the streets emitting nothing but clean water. As we all know, the sun is one big ball of energy, and can be converted into heat or electricity. There are two widely known solar collectors, but researchers are pushing the limits to convert the sun’s energy into electricity by using mirrors and parabolic dishes. Someday, this technology will be able to create electricity for the whole Earth and will h elp in preserving our resources

Friday, December 20, 2019

112 248 Food And Agribusiness Value Chains Essay - 1855 Words

112 248 Food and Agribusiness Value Chains Assignment 1†¨Due Date: April 14, 2016 Instructions: Please answer all questions Question 1 Define the following terms used in food and agribusiness value chains. Give specific examples in your answers a. Agrifood value chains A value chain is the range of activities required to bring a raw product to market. It is in a vertical sequence and is often described as pond to plate, plough to plate, or farm to fork in an agri-business value chain. (Sturgeon, 2001) b. Value creation Value is created as goods move along the chain; at each stop value must be added for the consumer to be willing to pay the price. Value can include packaging, cleaning labeling but also through auctioneers and wholesalers. (Sturgeon, 2001) c. Value chain market orientation Market orientation refers to how the end market receives the value added product. To be successful a value chain must be receptive to the demands of the market orientation. This can be monitored through customer feedback processes. (Sturgeon, 2001) Question 2 Distinguish clearly following key concepts applied in food and agribusiness value chains? a. Form utility, Time utility and Place utility *Form utility refers to the processing of a good; this can include actions such as transforming milk into ice cream. *Place utility is the transportation of a good, for example milk is produced on farms through out New Zealand but is daily transported from farm to factory. *Time utility means theShow MoreRelatedBackground Inditex, One of the Worlds Largest Fashion Distributors, Has Eight Major Sales Formats - Zara, Pull and Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho, Zara Home Y Kiddys Class- with 3.147 Stores in 70100262 Words   |  402 PagesBeatrice Kogg Responsibility in the Supply Chain Interorganisational management of environmental and social aspects in the supply chain Case studies from the textile sector Doctoral dissertation the international institute for industrial environmental economics Lund University, Sweden  IIIEE DISSERTATIONS 2009:2  Responsibility in the Supply Chain Interorganisational management of environmental and social aspects in the supply chain Case studies from the textile sector Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages978-0-13-283487-2 Brief Contents Preface xxii 1 2 Introduction 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? 3 The Individual 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Diversity in Organizations 39 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 69 Emotions and Moods 97 Personality and Values 131 Perception and Individual Decision Making 165 Motivation Concepts 201 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 239 3 The Group 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Foundations of Group Behavior 271 Understanding Work Teams 307 Communication 335 LeadershipRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesin quantity was also a transformation in quality. Migrations were inseparable from unprecedented urbanization and population growth, the expansion of industrial production and global markets, the spread of wage labor, the growth and extraction of food and resources to feed those workers, the revolution of transportation technologies, and the accompanying creation of an international system of nation states, borders, and population management techniques. Cities were the epicenter of this world

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Staying Focussed free essay sample

Even though all homework assignments are important, studying for midterm exam takes priority over writing a paragraph for English class. As I complete each task, think Of it as a step toward my college success. Having a social support network can be rewarding for me as a college student. Can create a group of people around me who want to help me succeed. Having a mentor allows me to have support in guidance and help develop new skills. Reaching out to my professors and academic advisors for help planning and organizing my academic needs for my major.I will Utilize all resources that are offered to me at Albany State to help me complete assignments in a satisfactory Keeping my focus directed on my academics do not allow time manner. For me to indulge in any illegal activities, such as drinking and doing drugs. Besides when you know better you are expected to do better. We will write a custom essay sample on Staying Focussed or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Having fun does not have to consist of me going somewhere there are illegal activities going on. There are many activities that are held on campus that are constructive and safe for a college student to participate in.Trouble is so easy to get into and very hard to get out of. If surround myself around negative people will indulge in nothing but negativity. Vice versa, surround myself around positive people and I will experience nothing but positive President Dunning expressed the importance of class outcome. Attendance. Keep in mind that it is never k to miss class without a legitimate excuse. The more you attend class the better prepared you will be when it comes to preparing for a test or quiz. Professors have attendance policies hat they have to enforce and they vary with different professors. When you miss a lecture and some valuable information can cause you to get behind because it takes time to catch up. Think of yourself throwing away money when you dont attend class, because you are paying for it. Make wise decisions about how you handle your finances during your college years since most of the money that you will receive will be a loan and you have to pay it back. When spending your refund try to invest in things that are beneficial to your education.