Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Living Together or Getting Married Research Paper

Living Together or Getting Married - Research Paper Example People have been cohabiting for different reasons. Many young adults are adopting this phenomenon because the rate of divorce has increased considerably and this has been cited as the major factor encouraging staying together rather than marrying (Barlow et al 2001). It's quite obvious that young people in the current generation see this as a way of achieving the benefits of marriage while at the same time evading the risk of divorce. Finances are the main cause of fights in married couples as cited by many researchers. When couples live together as in cohabiting, they get a chance to learn more about the spending habits of their partners as they share expenses and meet other obligations together. In this way, they can assess if their partner is really the type of a person who can handle marriage issues plus when people cohabit and things do not work out their way, they are not legally obliged to each other and do not have to seek religious authorization to break up their relationshi p (Hamilton 2005). Young people see this as a simple way for testing out whether a relationship would work or not. Just like the way it happens in colleges when you stay with your roommates and get to know their true character, living together allows the couple to get well acquainted with each others habits and behaviors and observe the way they operate in their daily life (Barlow et al 2001). Living together gives people who love each other more opportunities to experience and share their intimacy in terms of sex and emotional relationship without necessarily being married. Cohabiting is basically a trial to marriage and it's less complicated when dissolving it after failing as the couple does not incur unnecessary loss of finances like welfare, alimony or pension making the break less messy on the other hand if it works, the two can get married (Leadership U1999). Cohabiting before Marriage is Beneficial Most of the people in intimate relationships are using this method as the best measure to find out the character of their partners. Definitely in people from the past generations were to be asked, they would disregard of this as "shacking up" (Hamilton 2005). When dating, the other partner can display very decent character traits because the courtship may be defined by short visits now and then and this cannot bring out the true self of a person as incase they become angry every person goes his/her way to cool off and may apologizes later then fall back together. This is no big deal compared to living together, people tend to uncover their true being when staying together and you can be able to understand how they handle conflicts and most likely this may not be pretty. If one cannot handle this, what can happen when married Cohabiting exposes such habits and one may be able to find a way to make it work or walk away (Barlow et al 2001). Apart from anger management, another issue is cleanliness and individual hygiene; some people can appear to be very clean and smart but their houses looks like garbage dump. There are other things that one finds out from living together though some may be considered petty for instance snoring very loudly at night or talking in their sleep even sleep walking. Some people usually don't change their habits and this will start revealing

Monday, February 10, 2020

Colonialism in American Literature of Vietnam War Essay

Colonialism in American Literature of Vietnam War - Essay Example The involvement of the American government in the war judged by critics slash historians as taking the nature of colonialism renders the bulk of American literature on Vietnam War as largely colonial in structure, content and focus. Michael Adas in his article, "A Colonial War: The United States' Occupation of Vietnam" argues and historically proves the colonial inclination and interest of America in Vietnam claiming that America veered away from its earlier anti-colonial position under Roosevelt then proceeded to support the continuance of French colonization in Indochina ( 29). In Adas's own words: In the next decade, three American presidents presided over an escalating political and military involvement in Indochina that had most of the main attributes of colonial interventions in the preceding centuries of European global domination. Defying the decidedly anti-colonial rhetoric of the Roosevelt years, they committed the United States to a massive colonial occupation in a postcolonial era. (29) Since the Vietnam War is the result of America's efforts to participate in the colonization endeavor of Europe in an era of decolonization, the subsequent literary product is essentially and categorically colonial. A colonial literature tackles and examines the issues arising from Imperialism such as the moral dilemma(s) of the colonizer or the imperialist as shown in the essay "Shooting an Elephant" by George Orwell. In the essay Orwell recalled how as a sub-divisional officer of the town he shot an elephant in Burma to earn the approval of the Burmese and to "avoid looking a fool" (Hunt & Perry 295) even though he thought it wrong to deliberately kill the beast. George Orwell's personal essay demonstrates how an imperialist system morally confuses the colonizer or the member of the colonizing nation who believes that imperialism is "an evil thing" (289) but on the one hand because of a sense of nationality is forced to play his or her part as the oppressor. One of the defining characteristics and key quality of a colonial literature is its denunciation of colonialism and its negative impact both on the colonizer and the colonized. It is highly critical of the system of imperialism, noting the impartiality in the relationship between the oppressor and the oppressed with the oppressor receiving most of the gains while the other party suffers and gets traumatized. Colonial literature discusses the social, economic and psychological implications or consequences of colonialist experience. In structure, colonial literature is "characterized by a strong sense of ambiguity: uncertainty about the morality of imperialism about the nature of humanity, and about the continuing viability of European civilization" ("Colonial Literature" 1). Through its form, colonial literature exposes the contradictions, paradoxes and ironies of imperialism. American Literature of Vietnam War is Colonial in theme, content, structure and focus Novels A.) Robert Olen Butler (The Alleys of Eden) 1981 This fictional narrative centers on Clifford Wilkes, an American soldier trapped in Saigon at the closing of the Vietnam War. In part, it is a romantic tale with Lanh, a Vietnamese lass, serving as his love interest and partner for nearly five years. Clifford's love for Lanh is keeping him from seeking refuge in the United