Saturday, May 16, 2020

Analysis Of Part 1 Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

Part 1: What code of morals seems to govern Arthurs court? In Part 1 of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Arthurs court is governed the knights’ sense of duty, pride, and loyalty to their king. Celebrations of Camelot were considered to be the grandest and lavish feasts of the time. All of the wealthy knights and lords came to feast and enjoy the material pleasures at their disposal. Although they may seem rowdy and uncontrolled in their feasting, the knights remain bound to their codes of honor and chivalry. Even when a total stranger appears during the feast, Arthur greets him and welcomes him to the court of Camelot. The green knight then unveils his challenge to the knights, for one to cut off his head with the blow being returned in†¦show more content†¦Gawain fears his next meeting with the Green Knight where he may be beheaded, but he maintains his honor by following through with the Green Knights challenge. Part 3: What parallels are present between the lords hunts and Lady Bertilaks courting? The different hunts and bedroom scenes both resemble â€Å"hunts† as the lady’s attempts to entrap Gawain resemble the lord’s attempts to catch his prey. The lord enjoys his hunts as if they are games, similarly to the mindset of Green Knight, who thinks that his challenge of beheading to Gawain is a game or sport. Both also test their participants, as Gawains chivalry and loyalty are tested, while the lords physical prowess and hunting ability are tested as well. All three hunts resemble different games as the lord travels out into the forest to obtain a different prey. However, instead of the prey becoming more difficult, it becomes less valuable as the days progress. The three times Gawain is almost seduced also resemble games, but also eventually lead to an anticlimactic finale. The lady of the castle tests Gawain’s two knightly virtues: his courtesy and chastity. However, Gawain proves his strength and his chastity by continuously denying lady bertila k’s courtship, but eventually he falters when accepting her â€Å"magical† girdle. His desire to stay alive almost causes his death, however, his life is spared by the green knight, who believesShow MoreRelatedSir Gawain and the Green Knight Essay1395 Words   |  6 PagesSir Gawain and the Green Knight In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight the poet depicts an entertaining story of adventure and intrigue. However, the poem is more than a grand adventure. It is an attempt to explore the moral ideals of Sir Gawain. Gawains standards are represented by the pentangle on his shield. The depiction of the pentangle occurs when Sir Gawain is preparing to gear up for his quest for the Green Chapel. 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